Kanal D Streaming

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Kanal D Streaming
( 18 January Saturday )
00:15 İnci Taneleri
02:45 Zalim İstanbul
04:45 Kuzey Güney
07:00 Küçük Ağa
08:30 Konuştukça
09:45 Magazin D Cumartesi
13:00 Arda'nın Mutfağı
14:00 İnci Taneleri
16:00 Annem Ankara
19:00 Kanal D Ana Haber
20:00 Uzak Şehir
23:15 Arka Sokaklar
Kanal D Streaming
( 19 January Sunday )
02:15 Zalim İstanbul
04:00 Müzik Arası
05:00 Kuzey Güney
07:00 Küçük Ağa
08:30 Konuştukça
09:45 Magazin D Pazar
13:00 Evrim Akın İle Ev Gezmesi
13:45 Arda ile Omuz Omuza
14:45 Arka Sokaklar
16:30 Uzak Şehir
19:00 Kanal D Ana Haber
20:00 Annem Ankara
23:15 İnci Taneleri
Kanal D Streaming
( 20 January Monday )
Kanal D Streaming
( 21 January Tuesday )
Kanal D Streaming
( 22 January Wednesday )
Kanal D Streaming
( 23 January Thursday )
Kanal D Streaming
( 24 January Friday )

Kanal D Streaming

Channel D


Kanal D, namely Kanal Doğan, is a national television channel broadcasting in Turkey. It was founded in 1993 by Aydın Doğan. It also has a branch office in Romania, and in addition to Kanal D, it is named D'ocuk, D plus, D max, D spor, Hippodrome tv, D Yesil'am, Dream tv and Dream Turk. There are also additional channels. Kanal D hosts many trending domestic TV series.
What is Channel D's Weekly Stream? 
Kanal D tv's weekly broadcast also changes every week like other channels. There are serials where the broadcast day is the same. The question of What's on TV today can be reached on Kanal D's official page or social media. TV streaming is as follows:
     He starts his Monday broadcast week with the program Life is Healthy and Beautiful, followed by Balçek and Dr. Cankurtaran, What's Happening in Life?, page 2 with Müge and Gülşen, Bride in the Kitchen, Arka Sokaklar, Kanal D news with Buket Aydın, Zalim istanbul, continues with the repeat of Hekimoğlu and the repeat of acacia stop .
     Tuesday&; On the other hand, different from Monday's programs, Hekimoğlu is broadcast in the evening with new episodes.
     Çrepetitions of the series are broadcast on Wednesday. Back streets and Azize.
     On Thursday, Canal D prepares a movie night for its audience and presents the most watched and trendy movies to its audience. In addition, reruns of the series are also broadcast. At the same time, the program "Time for Peace" with M.Fatih & Ccedil;ıtlak is being broadcast with its new episodes. 
     Friday&; and the new episode of Back Streets; and repetitions of other series are published.
     Saturday is published in Magazin D on Saturday, Arda's kitchen and Azize with its new episodes.
     Finally, on Sunday&; On the other hand, Magazin D Pazar, Arda and Shoulder to Shoulder, Very nice movements 2, repetitions of Kuzey Güney series, 5N1K program are broadcast. 

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